The Alex Timpson Trust is the official company charity of the Timpson Group.

The Alex Timpson Trust – Helping Children to Shine
Alex Timpson MBE died in January 2016. In tribute to Alex and the huge contribution she made to championing the rights of looked after children, the Timpson family has established a new charity in her honour – the Alex Timpson Trust.

Official Company Charity
From October 2017, the Alex Timpson Trust is the official company charity of the Timpson Group. The charity’s main aim is to help schools better respond to the emotional needs of looked after (fostered and adopted) children.

The Alex Timpson Trust will support the development of training courses on attachment awareness and the three books John Timpson has written on the subject – A Guide to Attachment, How to Create A Positive Future and Looking After Looked After Children – are freely available from our stores, to help raise wider awareness of the reasons why some looked after children behave in ways that are challenging and perplexing. John has subsequently written other titles, including a guide to teenage mental health and a guide to perinatal health, also available for free.


The Alex Timpson Trust’s work to support the emotional needs of looked after children in schools will be monitored by the Rees Centre, University of Oxford in association with the University of Chester. The Trustees funded £750,000 for the important five-year research project.

These monies will fund further initiatives that will inform and influence the content of teacher training courses in general.

Sir John Timpson said: “Alex was an inspiration to me, not only in my private life, but in my work life as well. She always emphasised the importance of relationships, and set an example of kindness that I have attempted to incorporate into our business. Alex always wanted to give something back in life. The charity we have created is Alex’s legacy to all looked after children.”


The Alex Timpson Trust is a registered charity with the Charity Commission.
Charity Number 1174098